Accessible Technology

Can everyone move around in your business?

Discover a way to make your place more accessible for everyone at a low-cost and with no need of installation.

What is is a high precision voice guidance system for people with special needs for orientation.

Our free app is able to detect and interpret signals emitted from beacons transforming them into voice messages.

With this, when an indoor space has beacons installed in strategic locations, users will receive precise guidance information and other pre-programmed messages that will provide extra support.

In addition, these messages can be updated and customized in a quick and simple way.

Blind Mode: Messages adapted for blind people.

Assistant Mode: Messages adapted for people with cognitive difficulties.

How it works?

Installing the beacons

We study the place, and we install our beacons in strategic locations to indicate everything properly.


We programmed our free app to receive the signals emitted from the beacons and transform them to voice messages as users approach the beacons.

App para personas ciegas folooume

Integración en la APP

Programamos nuestra app gratuita para que reciba la señal de tus dispositivos y la transforme en indicaciones por voz cada vez que alguien se aproxime a los dispositivos

Software Access

We will provide access to SAAS where you will be able to access each beacon and modify their messages to adapt them to your place.

Precise orientation adapted to every client’s need.

Allow everyone to move freely around your place.

Cartel con indicaciones con letras en braille abajo
Manos de una persona ciega tocando ilustracion de arte
Personas con discapacidad intelectual haciendo una obra de arte

Your cultural space adapted with audio guide forever

If you face problems using and adapting audio guides for different expositions, with you will only need the installation and you will have your expositions adapted forever.

Manos de una persona ciega tocando ilustracion de arte
Personas con discapacidad intelectual haciendo una obra de arte

And you, are you accessible?

Get the Accessible Space label with Smart Cities technology and allow everyone to access easily.

Sello de de espacio accesible con tecnología smart cities

Technology for the future’s goal is to use technology and its evolution to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and the achievement of #Agenda2030.

We collaborate with companies and associations to provide independence to people with special needs for orientation, play a part in wellbeing and the reduction of inequalities.

Join the Technology That Creates the Difference

Open a more accessible path for all your ‘foloouers’

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